Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Is Playing The Blame Game Holding You Back Financially?
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Have you ever had financial trouble? We’re not just talking about atrocious situations like going bankrupt. There are also situations that can arise as life goes on such as a divorce, a bad broker, and more. Today we will talk about how to get out of some of these tricky positions and how to regain traction on the right path.
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Exposing 401(k) Weaknesses
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Your 401k can be your most powerful retirement savings tool. But it’s not perfect. Let’s talk about some of the weaknesses that you should be aware of in your 401k (or 403b...or TSP...or 457 plan)...
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
The Future Of Automation In The Financial World
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
With the technological strides that are being made in various industries, many jobs are being replaced in favor of automation. Similarly in the financial realm, you might have encountered robo-advisors as an alternative to working with a financial advisor. So this week, we'll take a broad look at how the financial industry may be altered by automation, as well as the benefits of human interaction.
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
What Popular Proverbs Teach Us About Money
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
There are plenty of proverbs and axioms that aren’t meant to be about money, but we can easily learn a financial lesson from them anyway. We’ll show you the hidden money meanings behind some of these popular sayings...
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
How To Turn Investments Into Income
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
A big question for a lot of pre-retirees is: How do we take the money we have saved and turn that into income in retirement to replace our paychecks? We will discuss some basic concepts to help on this week's episode.
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Fish Or Cut Bait – Stuck On Financial Decisions
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
For some people, the biggest problem with their financial planning isn’t that they make the wrong decisions. It’s that they often fail to make decisions at all. But sometimes you just have to fish or cut bait.
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Plan Your Summer Vacation & Your Retirement
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
If you’re heading out on a road trip this summer, there’s a long checklist of items that you want to be sure you haven’t forgotten. And in retirement planning, some of those exact same items need to be addressed. Let’s look at some of the items that should appear on both your road trip checklist and your retirement planning checklist...
Thursday May 16, 2019
Defining The Buzzword “Safe Money”
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
It seems that people have different definitions of “safe money” as it relates to their savings. Let’s discuss some of those varying explanations of the term and why it’s an important conversation for any retiree or pre-retiree to have.
Thursday May 02, 2019
When Is It “Safe” For You To Retire?
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
We get a lot of questions from listeners wanting to know how they can determine when it will be “safe” for them to retire. Let’s look at some of the key factors that help a person define what “safe” means and when they can indeed pull that retirement lever.
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
The 6 Things Wasting Away In Your Financial Junk Drawer
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Most people have a junk drawer at home. It usually contains things like rubber bands, clothespins, highlighters, glue sticks, a tape measure, a label maker, and a pair of scissors. But most people have a financial junk drawer too. Let’s talk about some of the things that end up there and how they might be put to better use.